1 thought on “"Utopia" describes what kind of paradise? (two)”

  1. Kuang Shijie's masterpiece
    Thomas Moore is an important humanist during the Western Renaissance and a great founder of the theory of socialism. His masterpiece "Utopia" is the first masterpiece of this theory.
    "Utopia" is divided into two books. The upper part is mainly to reveal and criticize the reality, and the lower part is the idea of ​​the ideal society.
    In the first part, Moor borrowed the disadvantages of the British society at that time, the ruling class's authority was brutal, shameless, and the tragic situation of the tragic situation of the general public. There are only two things that the rulers are concerned about: either to plunder the property of the people madly or provoke predatory war. To achieve this, they can find all excuses, sacrifice the lives of the people or cause them to disabled. The rulers dealt with the lower people with strict punishment, and there is no fairness at all.
    I. When talking about the "sheep eating people" mobilized by those emerging nobles and gentlemen, Moore wrote: "Your sheep was once so easy to satisfy. It is said that it has become greedy and fierce now. , Even to eat people. "
    Morm will point out the foundation of the criticism of the exploitation system -private ownership," I am convinced that unless the private ownership is completely abolished, the average distribution of wealth can be fair. Life can be truly happy. As long as the private ownership exists, the vast majority of human beings, and mainly those best parts, will still bear the weight that is poverty and unfortunately unfortunately. " British society outlines a three -dimensional painting, which also accompanied the second social system describing Utopia. It is in the contrast between ideals and reality that Moore obtained several important conclusions of imaginative socialism.
    In the second part of the book "Utopia", Moore projected his longing for the human beautiful country system on the Utopia Island he was imaginative.
    It in terms of politics, Moore mainly involves the highest form of Demon people to achieve democracy, Utopia officials, utopian social layers, and utopia's legal system. First, the basic characteristics of Utopia's political system are democracy. The highest form of Democracy to achieve democracy is the island conference and council. Secondly, Utopia has a complete set of official systems. Here, no official will be proud and arrogant. Again, from the perspective of society, Utopia society is composed of free citizens and slaves. The slaves of Utopia are mainly guilty of those who have committed a felony in the country or a crime of crime abroad. Finally, Utopia's legal system is also quite distinctive. There is almost no law in Utopia, and there is no lawyer. People take care of themselves. Judges can also

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