1 thought on “What is the AES algorithm?”

  1. Yes;
    aes: Advanced Standard (advanced encryption standards), which is the norm used by the National Standards and Technology Research Institute for encrypted electronic data. The platforms are well run, support parallel processing, and can resist all known attacks.

    aes is an iterative, symmetrical key group password. It can use 128, 192 and 256 -bit key, and use 128 -bit (16 bytes) to encrypt and decrypt data.
    The as follows
    aES has the advantages of wide application range
    The advantages of short waiting time, relatively easy to hide, high throughput, etc., are better than WEP algorithms in various aspects. With this algorithm encryption, WLAN's security will be greatly improved. The AES algorithm has been finalized in the 802.11i standard, becoming a new generation of encryption algorithms replacing weP. However, because the AES algorithm has high requirements for hardware, AES cannot be redesigned by upgrading firmware in the original device, and the chip must be redesigned.

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