The preferences of the villagers of the market in the pasta

I do n’t know what to give to the villagers. Most people are black -hearted, so ask what the villagers like. I hate what is best in Chinese. Essence Essence Essence thanks

5 thoughts on “The preferences of the villagers of the market in the pasta”

  1. All characters prefer [The value of the update] arranges in the order of birthday

    It the items you do n’t know, please go to the cooking list or the windmill list by yourself, or it may be sold directly on the market
    There are three kinds of flowers in spring: yellow (moon tears) white (three -color flower) blue (fantasy grass)
    This in summer: pink (cat mint)
    The autumn: blue (fantasy grass) Red (mutant flowers = red fantasy grass)
    It also chamomile, mint, lavender does not belong to flowers, belonging to vanilla (edible)

    All insects include: crawling, butterflies, fireflies, cicadas, cicadas , Beetle, Dragonfly, Frog

    Packing reference carpet color, generally used for birthdays to send the most favorite items, specifically:
    There is no color that I like, and freely send any color packaging! rn礼物颜色价格喜好的人物红色200Gディルカ、アネモネ、フェリックス、サニア、アイザック、ムーチョ青色200Gシェルファ、エンジュ、ケヴィン、シギュン、ララミー黄色200Gアギ、スチュアート、メリーニ、ミーナ、ウィルバー、クレア、ネリネ
    The value of the goodness/packaging of gifts

    Favorite: 800 ( 1000)
    I like: 500 ( 600)
    Like: 150 ( 250)
    ordinary: 50 ( 150)
    Hatter: -200 (-300)
    is annoying: -500 (-600)
    The most annoying: -1000 (-1200)

    Favorite: 4000 ( 6000)
    I like: 2500 ( 3000) r
    Like: 750 ( 1050)
    ordinary: 250 ( 350)
    Hatter: -1000 (-1300)
    is annoying: -2500 (-3000)
    Most annoying: -5000 (-15000)

    The items you like are headed cheap and easy to get. Welcome to supplement and correct
    The expensive things such as gold have been deleted; complex dishes have been deleted when you like simple items; if you like milk, milk products are deleted.


    5 day カゲツ カゲツ カゲツ
    favorite: soy milk プ リ ン (soy milk egg)
    Like: flowers, vanilla, fruit, tea

    16 The daughter of the town of シェ ル ファ シェ ル ファ
    The favorite: vanilla salad (three kinds of vanilla)
    Like: butterfly, yellow flower, salad, tofu (soybean), tea
    n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n R n18 ニ リ ー n-coffee shop old grandma
    favorite: fruit sandwiches (bread yogurt strawberry)
    Like: yellow flower, white flower, pink flower, eggs, strawberry n packaging: yellow

    20 Day エ ー リ ッ ヒ-Uncle Blue Hair
    Favorite: Spring Mixed Tea (Spring Special Black Tea Tank)
    Like: frog, blue flower, mint tea (mint black tea) rn包装:蓝色rnrn25日サニア-旅店老奶奶rn最喜欢:百玉水果(白玉粉 草莓 苹果)rn喜欢:蓝色花、白色花、 Pink flower, strawberry
    packaging: red

    27 day ア ネモネ-maid MM
    favorite: strawberry school (strawberry wheat powder cream egg)
    Like: butterfly, butterfly, Flowers, snacks, fruit juice
    Don’t like: Fireflies (correction of previous data)


    1 フェ フェ リ ッ ク ス-mayor
    Favorite: Favorite: Xinkou カレ カレ ー (rice curry powder pepper tomato)
    Like: red flower, curry fried rice (rice curry powder), pumpkin soup (pumpkin), corn soup (corn cream milk) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r n
    3 day r ル バ ー-The father of Zhengtai, the uncle of the blue hat
    favorite: tin foil steamed mushrooms
    Like: branches, wood, stone, stone
    n12 Brother
    favorite: ク リ ー ム コロ ッ ケ fried meat cake (potato oil white bread powder milk)
    Like: unicorn (the left beetle on the left of the summer ranch), red flower, a lot of cooking, rice rice rice rice rice , Tea series, curry series, tea, copper coins
    packaging: red

    21 ム ー チョ-grocery store owner
    FIST: Persis (potato oil bread Powder)
    Like: Fireflies, red flowers, coins, wine
    packaging: red

    25 day ケヴィ ン-Xiaozheng Tai
    Favorite: オオ ク ワガタ (Summer processing on the left side of the windmill of the windmill甲虫)rn喜欢:所有昆虫、石头、长靴、鱼骨、空罐rnrn30日ネリネ- 双胞胎的妈妈rn最喜欢:奇迹牛奶rn喜欢: Yellow flower, vanilla, egg, soup dishes
    packaging: yellow


    3 day ロ ド ore GG
    Favorite: パエ リ ヤ パエ パエ 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 パエ パエ パエ パエ Onion tomato)
    Like: All insects, blue flowers, black tea

    6 ア イ ザ ッ ク-dad of twin, uncle red hat
    favorite: jam bread (bread apple sauce) r r r r r r r r r r r r r n Like: branches, wood, stone, stone
    packaging: red

    11 Sentences ス チュ ア ー ト-Hotel Grandpa n Favorite: chestnut cake (canned chestnut cake)
    Like: yellow flowers, specific ants (オ ン ブバ ッ タ), mint tea
    packaging: yellow

    18 days of twins (red hair)
    The favorite: donut (donut (donut (donut (donut (donut (donut (donut ( Wheat powder oil egg milk cream)
    Like: red flower, pink flower, egg, coin, fish, dragonfly n packaging: blue

    ラ ミ ミ ミ ミ ミ ミ ミ ミ ミBelt)
    Favorite: Sweet potato snack (sweet potato cream egg)
    Like: blue flower
    packaging: blue
    n20 day ユ リ ス-brother r r r
    Favorite: Vanilla perfume (three kinds of vanilla)
    Like: Dragonfly, flowers, vanilla, less cooking, wine, Wujing, sandwiches, onions
    25 day フレ イ ヤ-long hair-long hair OL
    Favorite: Fruit perfume
    Like: butterfly, chocolate, red flower, milk

    29 day ク レ ア-Xiao Zhengtai's mother n favorite: olive kimchi (windmill (windmill Products)
    Like: blue flowers, chamomile, corn soup (corn cream milk), lavender

    R N Favorite: ブ ー n パ ス タ (wheat flour vanilla oil vanilla cream)
    Like: all flowers, mint, chamomile, cheese
    packaging: yellow
    n12 day エ ン ジュ- Blue-haired MM
    The most likes: Cherry tea
    Like: frogs, blue flowers, snacks, wool, chocolate, tea

    26 シュミ ッ ト-Prince
    Favorite: Favorite:ー (wheat flour potato milk)
    Like: milk, chocolate, rice, big tapey worm (beetle caught on the right side of the two trees in front of the summer ranch)

    28 Day ア ギ-Painter-Painter GG
    Favorite: オム ラ イ ス 蛋 g g (oil milk rice rice)
    Like: All insects, yellow flowers, walnuts, chocolates, egg n
    Daily station, the original information comes from CG /Thread-17717375-1-1

  2. Mayor's daughter
    Gifts Recommended: Spring small yellow flowers, salad
    Favorite vanilla salads --b n black heart event
    ~ 16: 59
    Location: residential area
    Weather: sunny, cloudy
    1.颜が広いね---------爱情度上升rnrn紫心事件rn时间:除水曜日、非节假集会日13:00-13:59r n: Waterfall area
    Weather: Sunny, cloudy
    1. ---------爱情度上升rn2.いいえ、何もないですrnrn蓝心事件rn时间:周末,非集会、非节日7:00 -9: 59
    Position: Zhen Changzhai
    Other requirements: Father's favorability 3 Hearts above
    Options 2
    1. Intersection ---------爱情度上升rnrn黄心事件rn时间:周末,非集会、非节日13:00-15:59rn地点:从The residential area to the waterfall area
    The weather: sunny, cloudy
    1.さ リ ッ ク ス も も ん ク だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ だ よ よ よ よ よ よ よ

    blue hair mm
    Gift recommendation: black tea? It's too expensive, just send chocolate
    The black heart incident
    Time: Jinye day 13: 00 ~ 15: 59
    Location: from the house to the waterfall area
    Weather: sunny, cloudy r
    Time: water, wooden day 11: 00 ~ 13: 59
    Location: Hom Hom Area
    The weather: sunny, cloudy
    did not affect everything ...
    1.热心なんだね---------爱情度上升rn2.都会ってどんな所? ---------爱情度上升rnrn蓝心事件rn时间:金曜日晚上18:30-23:59rn地点:她家里rn Other requirements: Father's favorability 3 Hearts above
    1. n
    This Huangxin incident
    Time: Weekend non-concentration of non-festivals 14: 00-16: 59
    Location: Enter the protagonist's house
    Weather: sunny, cloudy
    options options : Select 1 first and then select 2
    1. r n1.
    2. ---------爱情度上升rnrn长发OLrn送礼推荐:巧克力rn黑心事件rn时间:工作日的20:00~ 21: 59
    Location: Coffee House
    Weather: Sunny, Cloudy
    1. n2. あま あま あま な い

    The purple heart incident
    Time: Weekend non-concentration non-festivals 13: 00-14: 59
    Location: from residential area to the waterfall area
    Weather: sunny, cloudy
    1. nAn Lanxin Incident
    Time: 20: 00-21: 59
    The location: tavern
    Weather: sunny, cloudy n options:
    1. Drinking き た
    2. -23: 59
    Location: Her home
    Weather: sunny, cloudy
    options selection 1
    1. The pasture ら ら し い 楽 し い よ ---------------------------------- Rising
    2. 楽 し い じゃ じゃ じゃ な い よ

    The hotel mm
    Gift recommendation: Chocolate
    15: 59
    Location: Hom House
    1. い い い と と う
    The purple heart incident
    time: non -rest day, holidays from 18: 00 ~ 18: 59
    Place of residential area to the map where the housing is located, pay attention to the exemption of the way
    Weather: sunny days: sunny day: sunny day: sunny day: sunny day: sunny day: sunny day: sunny day , Cloudy
    Requirements: Artist GG Faithfulness 1 Heart
    1. Rise

    An Lan Hexin Incident
    Time: 7: 00 ~ 15: 59
    Location: Cunning
    Other requirements: Grandpa House Grandpa and Grandpa N options:
    1. どう し た の? ---------------------------------------------------------

    This incident
    Time: On the day of non-gathering on weekends, non-festivals 15: 00-17: 59
    Place of waterfall: Towards the waterfall area to the residential area
    Weather: Sunny, cloudy
    1. n Divination mother
    Birthday: Spring 5
    Gifts Recommended: Flowers, Tea, Fruit, Vanilla Department
    Favorite: Soy Milk Pudding (soy milk egg) [Soy milk = soybean Zhizou〕

    This incident (premise of debut)
    Time: 2 years after 21.00
    Location: Enter the waterfall area from the ranch area

    purple heart Event
    Time: African market, non -festivals 17.00 ~ 18.59
    Location: Divination mother's home
    Weather: sunny, cloudy
    Options: Select 2

    An Lan Xin Incident
    Time: Non -market, non -festivals 17.00 ~ 18.59
    Location: Divination mother's home
    Weather: sunny, cloudy
    Options: Select No. 1 2 items

    This incident
    Time: non -market, non -festival in the middle of the night 0.00 ~ 1.59
    Location: Enter the waterfall cave
    n Options: Select item 1

    It others (both men and women are available, the favorability is high)
    The non -market in the morning, non -festival 6.00 ~ 8.59
    Mother's home, choose the first item, will she help you divination?

    This love:
    . Her favorite soy milk pudding red packaging gift can be quickly added, soy milk pudding can reach 50%of ク ア cafeteria in the market (Xiao Zhengtai's mother opened) Buy, S/L the day of the market!

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