5 thoughts on “Why is BC and AC a two -force rod? What about P?”

  1. In theoretical mechanics, the rods that can only withstand tensile and stress are called two force rods. As shown in the figure, BC and AB are only stressed at the endpoint, and they have not affected other forces, so they are two force rods. P can decompose to the tension and the pressure on the BC rod on the AB rod.

  2. Two force rods are rods that can only withstand tensile and stress.
    The BC and AC in the figure ignore the gravity of its rod, so it is a two -force rod.
    This analysis as shown below: In order to balance the power P, the rod AB has a tension F of the rod, it has a vertical and upward force F1, this force is equal to the power p, the opposite direction; To the left is pressure on the wall.

  3. The two -force rod means that the analysis object is the pole, and the pole has two forces. For example, the analysis object is AB rod. This analysis object does not include nails in both A and B. At this time, the two forces that AB rod receives is the force of the nails of A and B. The power of P is on the nail and does not act on the AB rod.

  4. This is because under the premise of ignoring the self -weight of the rod,
    bc and AC are only stressed at both ends, so they are in line with the characteristics of the "two -force rod". P also acts on the endpoint of these two rods.

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