crystal cremation jewelry wholesale Silver TD burst out, will the bank deduct a contract with liquidated damages?

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2 thoughts on “crystal cremation jewelry wholesale Silver TD burst out, will the bank deduct a contract with liquidated damages?”

  1. evil eye wholesale jewelry Hello, original poster.
    The liquidated damage is an extension fee. The extension fee, also known as extension compensation fee, is a rule specified on the exchange of the exchange to balance the market. The extension fee is the integration cost of the capital or the real objects that the customer extension. When the amount of delivery is less than the receipt of the report, the short position is paid to the long position to pay the extension fee; when the delivery declaration volume is greater than the receipt and declaration volume, the long position holding the position to the short position is paid. When the application volume, the delay fee will be paid. Extension fee = holding of positions × settlement price × postponed rate on the day.
    In the case of bursting, the funds have nothing, and there is no case of deduction of contracts.
    Pypons do not recommend the landlord to continue to invest in this. If you dare to be interested, you can consider the investment of the gold outer disk. I hope my answer can help you.

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